Certification spurring SME competitiveness

An official (left) from Zhejiang province’s market regulation bureau checks out an information system. [CHINA DAILY] In Moganshan, a thriving scenic spot in Deqing county, Huzhou, East China’s Zhejiang province, Chen Chujunyi, who runs a library-themed boutique homestay, is extremely busy hosting visitors from across the country and around the world. What distinguishes his homestay … Continue reading Certification spurring SME competitiveness

Japanese carmakers found to cheat in safety tests

Japanese transport ministry officials enter Toyota Motor Corp’s headquarters for an on-site investigation over certification irregularities in Toyota, central Japan, June 4, 2024. [Photo/Agencies] A vehicle safety test scandal in Japan widened on Monday, as five local carmakers were found to have submitted incorrect or manipulated data when they applied for certification of some of … Continue reading Japanese carmakers found to cheat in safety tests