Comm operator’s TeleAI surmounts dialect challenge

Visitors check out China Telecom’s technologies during an expo in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, in April. [WANG LUXIAN/FOR CHINA DAILY] In a groundbreaking development, TeleAI, the artificial intelligence research division of China Telecom, has unveiled the industry’s first advanced speech recognition model capable of understanding and processing over 30 Chinese dialects. This large language model, known … Continue reading Comm operator’s TeleAI surmounts dialect challenge

China Telecom at forefront of AI and cloud technology

A view of the booth of China Telecom during the 7th Digital China Summit in Fuzhou, Fujian province, last week. [Photo provided to China Daily] Innovative technologies from State-owned enterprises such as China Telecom showcase the country’s strength in strategic sectors, including artificial intelligence and cloud computing, and will help inject new vitality into economic … Continue reading China Telecom at forefront of AI and cloud technology

Enhanced 5G key to low-altitude economy

Visitors check out ZTE products during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Feb 26. [Photo/Agencies] The commercial use of 5G-A(5G-Advanced) technology will boost industries and change the way people interact with each other, a senior executive of Chinese telecom equipment maker ZTE Corp said. “This year marks the starting year for the commercial use … Continue reading Enhanced 5G key to low-altitude economy