上古卷轴:红衣卫士秘籍-The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Red guard秘籍

2023年1月17日 85点热度 0人点赞 0条评论

上古卷轴:红衣卫士秘籍-The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Red guard秘籍-悟饭游戏厅


英文名称:Elder Scrolls Adventures: Red guard


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秘籍 作用
2 金子(Gold)
3 Stoneskin potion
4 健身剂(Health potion)
5 隐身戒指(Ring of invisibility)
6 沃拉的戒指(Vola's ring)
7 长剑(Sabre)
8 生锈的钥匙(Rusty key)
9 金钥匙(Gold key)
10 银钥匙(Silver key)
11 护身符(Amulet)
12 灵魂宝石(Soul gem)
13 灵魂之剑(Soul sword)
14 Crobar
15 钉魔术(Peg rune)
16 钉魔术2(Peg rune 2)
17 钉魔术3(Peg rune 3)
19 兽人的血(Orc's blood)
20 带?的兽人血(Orc's blood with ?)
21 蜘蛛奶(Spider's milk)
22 带?的蜘蛛奶(Spider's milk with?)
23 灵气(Ectoplasm)
24 带?的灵气(Ectoplasm with ?)
25 嘘汁(Hist sap)
26 带?的嘘汁(Hist sap with ?)
27 矮人的知识书(Dwarven lore book)
28 矮人的齿轮(Dwarven gear)
29 小玻璃瓶(Glass vial)
30 装有药的玻璃瓶(Glass vial filled with elixer)
31 铁块(Iron weight)
32 桶(Bucket)
33 装满水的桶(Bucket full of water)
34 护手(Gauntlet rune)
35 Elven artifact
37 红衣卫士的英雄书(Redguard heroes book)
38 落锤英雄书(Hammerfell heroes book)
39 来自玛基奥的地图(Map from Makio)
40 装满金子的袋子(Leather pouch of gold)
41 克任德尔的被偷走的地图(Crendel's stolen map)
42 银船(Silver boat)
43 铲子(Shovel)
44 芦荟(Aloe)
45 火把(Torch)
46 单片眼镜(Monocle eyepiece)
47 旗子(Flag)
48 银项链盒(Silver locket)
49 联盟勋章羊皮纸(League insignia parchment)
50 约特的监狱地图(Joto's jail map)
51 Flask of lillandril
52 Hundings tailsman
53 伊志萨拉报(Izsara's journal)
54 羽毛(Feather)
55 基思拉尔报死僧侣(Kithral's journal The dead monk)
56 民族天书(Folks firmament book)
57 Izara's journal locked
58 星石(Star stone)
59 仓库钥匙(Key to Warehouse)
60 伊志拉屋的钥匙(Key izara's house)
61 符咒(Spell)
64 空玻璃瓶(Glass bottle empty)
65 盛水的玻璃瓶(Glass bottle with water)
66 装水和芦荟油的玻璃瓶
(Glass bottle mixed with water and aloe)
67 增强剂(Strength potion)
68 绷带(Bandage)
69 有血的绷带(Bandage with blood)
70 长剑(Sabre)
71 长剑(Sabre)
72 长剑(Sabre)
73 长剑(Sabre)
74 骨钥匙(Bone key)。








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