死亡间谍:决断时刻秘籍-Death to Spies: Moment of Truth秘籍

2023年1月19日 85点热度 0人点赞 0条评论

死亡间谍:决断时刻秘籍-Death to Spies: Moment of Truth秘籍-悟饭游戏厅


英文名称:Death to Spies: Moment of Truth


首先使用命令行 -console 启动游戏<img死亡间谍:决断时刻秘籍-Death to Spies: Moment of Truth秘籍-悟饭游戏厅>

例如: "C:Program FilesNobilisDeath to SpiesDeath to Spies.exe" -console

游戏中按 ~ 开启控制台,输入以下秘籍:

秘籍 作用
Cheat "silence" 走路没有声音
Cheat "camouflage" 伪装(警卫认为你伪装)
Cheat "invisible" 隐形模式
Cheat "disable ai" 关闭敌人AI(敌人不动)
setv cl_superman 1 无敌模式
setv c_noammo 1 无限弹药
OpenLevels 开启所有关卡
PL_SavePos 储存当前位置
PL_RestorePos 载入储存的位置
L_CreateItem 物品代码 制造物品(见物品列表)


配合秘籍 L_CreateItem 物品代码 使用

例如 L_CreateItem weapon.Walter

物品代码 对应物品
weapon.Walter Walter
weapon.Mp40 MP40
weapon.K98 K98
weapon.Luger Luger
weapon.Gewehr Gewehr
weapon.K98Sniper K98 Sniper Rifle
weapon.DeLisle DeLisle
weapon.StenSilencer Sten Silencer
weapon.MosinSniper Mosin Sniper
weapon.MosinSilencer Mosin Silencer
weapon.MosinCamo Mosin Camo
weapon.Svt SVT
weapon.Mosin Mosin
weapon.Ppsh PPSH
weapon.TT TT
weapon.SvtSniper Svt. Sniper
weapon.Pps PPS
weapon.NaganSilencer Nagan Silencer
weapon.Nagan Nagan
weapon.Sten Sten
weapon.EnfieldSniper Enfield Sniper Rifle
weapon.Enfield Enfield
weapon.Colt Colt
weapon.Thompson Thompson
weapon.Garand Garand
weapon.M1Carbine M1 Carbine
weapon.M1903 M1903
weapon.M1903Sniper M1903 Sniper Rifle
weapon.GermanStick Stick Grenade
weapon.Rgd33 RGD33 Grenade
weapon.F1 F1 Grenade
weapon.Smoke Smoke Grenade
weapon.Dynamite Dynamite
weapon.Pmk40 PMK40
weapon.Pmd6 PMD6
weapon.Knife Knife
weapon.FiberWire Fiber Wire
weapon.Chloroform Chloroform
Equipment.Binocular Binoculars
Equipment.Foto Foto
Equipment.Wirecut Wirecutters
Equipment.Lockpick Lockpicks
Equipment.Custom Custom
Equipment.Medikit Medikit
Equipment.Wear:Player Standard Gear
Equipment.Wear:GermanSoldier Nazi Officer Gear
Equipment.Wear:GermanOfficer Nazi Officer Gear II
Equipment.Wear:Summer Summer Gear
Equipment.Wear:Soviet Soviet Gear
Equipment.Wear:RasplataDed Rasplata Gear
Equipment.Wear:Scientist Scientist Gear
Equipment.Wear:AmericanOfficer American Officer Gear
Equipment.Wear:Jacket Jacket
Equipment.Wear:Suitman Suit
Equipment.Wear:GermanYellow German Yellow Outfit
Equipment.Wear:EmbassyMan Embassy Outfit
Equipment.Wear:EmbassyManSoldier Embassy Soldier Outfit
Equipment.Wear:SovietSoldier Soviet Soldier Gear
Equipment.Wear:SovietOfficer Soviet Officer Gear
Equipment.Wear:GermanWinterSoldier Nazi Winter Gear
Equipment.Wear:GermanWinterSoldier2 Nazi Winter Gear II
Equipment.Wear:GermanWinterOfficer Nazi Officer Winter Gear
Equipment.Wear:PosilkaElder Posilka Elder Gear
Equipment.Wear:Winter Winter Gear
Equipment.Wear:EmbassyAgent_1 Embassy Agent Gear
Equipment.Wear:EmbassyAgent_2 Embassy Agent Gear II
Equipment.Wear:HotelGuard Hotel Guard Gear
Equipment.Wear:GermanGrey German Grey Gear
Equipment.Wear:GermanDoctor German Doctor Gear
Equipment.Wear:HotelManager Hotel Manager Gear
Equipment.Wear:HotelWaiter Hotel Waiter Gear
Equipment.Wear:HotelMan01 Hotel Patron Gear
Equipment.Wear:BritishCook British Cook Gear
Equipment.Wear:BritishSoldier British Soldier Gear
Equipment.Wear:GermanCook Nazi Cook Gear
Equipment.Throw:Papers Papers
Equipment.Throw:OutofOrder Out of Order Sign
Equipment.Throw:Knife Knife
Equipment.Throw:Krujka Krujka
Equipment.Throw:VBottle Vodka Bottle
Equipment.Throw:Krujka2 Krujka II
Equipment.Throw:Grafin Grafin
Equipment.Throw:Korchik Korchik
Equipment.Throw:Lojka1 Loljka
Equipment.Throw:Lojka2 Loljka II
Equipment.Throw:Lojka3 Loljka III
Equipment.Throw:Bakal Bakal
Equipment.Throw:Tarelka Tarelka
Equipment.Throw:Tarelka2 Tarelka II
Equipment.Throw:Tarelka3 Tarelka III
Equipment.Throw:Tarelka4 Tarelka IV
Equipment.Throw:Lojka4 Lojka IV
Equipment.Throw:Vilka Vilka
Equipment.Throw:Tarelka5 Tarelka V
Equipment.Throw:Tarelka6 Tarelka VI
Equipment.Throw:Tarelka7 Tarelka VII
Equipment.Throw:Stakan Stakan
Equipment.Throw:Sovok Sovok
Equipment.Throw:Molotok Molotov Cocktail
Equipment.Throw:GKluch Gkluch
Equipment.Throw:Otvertka Otvertka





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