State Grid Jinchang Power Supply reaches out to farmers at critical time

Staff members from State Grid Jinchang Power Supply Company at work. [Photo provided to]

These days in Yongchang county, Gansu province, winter wheat is entering grain-filling stage. It is the period when wheat needs the most water. This round of watering is the final watering before wheat ripens. It can ensure plump wheat grains, which is of significant importance for harvest.

To provide an adequate electricity supply for irrigation, State Grid Jinchang Power Supply Company conducted inspections and maintenance of irrigation lines and other equipment within its courts to fulfill the commitment to providing high-quality service throughout the whole irrigation process.

By strengthening the court manager system, regular inspections and special patrols, the company enhanced the management of key distribution lines and irrigation wells’ electrical facilities, making the irrigation electricity reliable and available on demand. Court managers used the WeChat platform every day to promptly answer and guide the users in solving electricity-related issues during the irrigation. After teaching them about electricity and summer field management cases, farmers’ awareness of safe electricity was enhanced.

Furthermore, the company closely followed the owners’ demands, advanced distribution network operation and maintenance in daily work and reduced the impact of power outages on agricultural irrigation, making effort to guarantee the electricity needs during this critical period.



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